Import Sales Data as a CSV via Email

Email your Revenue data as a CSV Report to Ruler Analytics.

Before you email over your CSV please ensure you confirm your email address and upload template with your Account manager.

Step one - Confirm this will be the method to upload your sales with your account manager.

email (required if phone isn't present)The email address of the closed sale/deal
phone (required if email isn't present)The callers number of the closed sale/deal
date (required)Date of closing/won. The date your revenue was received
Please use the following format 2019-03-15T13:14:00
value (required)The total revenue received for that deal/sale
labelYou can add any variable here for you own reference such as Order ID
currencyThe Currency of the record you are uploading

Step two - Email over your CSV report to

Step three - View your revenue data in your Ruler Analytics Dashboard.



Please note upload may not be instant, before uploading multiple files get in touch with Ruler and we can assist.