Import Sales Data via a CSV

How to add your revenue to Ruler Analytics via a CSV upload

Not all CRMs or data platforms have a direct integration or API so Ruler allows you to upload your Revenue data via a CSV file upload.

Import to Ruler Analytics

You will need to ensure your Csv file has all the required values needed to upload Revenue to Ruler. Its important that your csv is in the same format each time to allow successful and automated uploads.

Please see all fields to upload data. Please note Email, Phone, Raid, Cookie Value and Payload Values are your Identifier keys. You must provide at least one value for at least one of these Variables to attempt a match to the online visitor event.

emailThe email address of the closed sale/dealN
phoneThe callers number of the closed sale/dealN
RaIdThe Ruler Cookie ID associated to the closed sale/dealN
Cookie ValueThe GA captured Cookie ID associated to the closed Sale/DealN
Payload ValueA unique identifier captured on your Form Submissions associated to the closed Sale/DealN
dateDate of closing/won. The date your revenue was received
Please use the following format 2019-03-15T13:14:00
valueThe total revenue received for that deal/saleY
labelYou can add any variable here for you own reference such as Order IDY
currency codeThe currency code for the sale value you are uploading, Supported currencies are GBP, EUR, USD, CAD, NZD, SGD, ZAR, AUDY

Ruler will provide you with a unique Email address to send your CSVs to. You can upload this data on your own desired schedule.



Please ensure you confirm your upload format with Ruler Analytics prior to your initial upload attempt. It is important to note your csv upload must be in the same format each upload to ensure you do not break your pre set upload rules.

Should you wish to make changes to your upload format please contact Ruler prior who will be able to make any necessary updates.

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