Offline Data Match Rate
When uploading your Offline Sales or Opportunity data into Ruler Analytics, there are certain things that can impact your ability to match your Offline data with your Ruler Onsite data.
Upload Original Lead Match Value
Whether you are matching to website activity based on Email, Phone Number, Cookies, or a unique ID. It is important to ensure the value you provide is the original one captured on the website via the Conversion or we may miss the ability to match the offline data to the original web lead and provide the attribution.
Lead Created Outside of Rulers Implementation Window
Ruler can only attribute back to leads and conversions we have captured on your website. Meaning any leads created prior to your tag implementation and conversion capture setup will not be able to be tied back to the user journey. If you have a longer lead to sale timeline, you may notice a higher volume of 'Unmatched' data until your tracking has been implemented for a longer period of time.
Lead Created via an Offline Source
As Ruler is only able to attribute back to leads we capture in our system. Leads created via offline/non-website activity such as outbound sales, cannot be attributed to a website lead or touch point unless we have captured the event. If you would like to look at passing Offline events or activities into Ruler, you can discuss this with your onboarding manager and we will be happy to discuss setup requirements.
Implementation Gaps
If your Ruler tag hasn't been implemented on all pages, or all lead capture areas on your website, you may be missing leads and therefore struggle to tie your offline data to the online user journey. During onboarding the team will work with you to ensure all your required conversion points are captured but its worth reviewing any changes to the website or new landing pages are always checked to ensure Ruler is implemented and tracking as expected.
We expect match rate to increase the longer your tag has been implemented on your website. If you have any specific concerns for unexplained match rates, please reach out to your account manager.
Updated 6 months ago